Sudoku Application

Developers: Andy Ng, Jason Tanabe

View the Project on GitHub 1andyn/sudoku_app

Whats the Application?

The Sudoku App is an application that allows a user to generate sudoku puzzles of varying difficulties and solve them. Upon entering a value in each box, the inputs will be checked against the solution and will notify the user if they completed it correctly. The application also can solve some Sudoku puzzles given data of a puzzle.

How to Play?



The close button is ignored (buttons were configured to be ignored since the resources have a relatively low resolution and we wanted to prevent users from trying to resize the window!) Exit using the Menu button when playing and then clicking Exit.


Currently the solver suffers from an issue where if the user goes to play a game, goes back to main menu and then goes to solver, there will be a visual bug where the puzzle from the game mode displays. Avoid the issue by going directly to the solver upon running the application.